Homeless animals come to our Christopher Cutler Rich Animal Shelter to find their first and forever family. Sadly, for some, it's their second or third chance at a loving home. Most of these animals come from overcrowded Southern shelters as strays or owner surrenders. Our rescue partners are overburdened and stressed. When they call, we do everything we possibly can to help. Cape Ann Animal Aid takes in animals who might have a difficult time getting adopted in the South — not because they’re broken or bad but because we have the unique privilege of being able to help. Precioso and Freya are two older animals whose lives were changed thanks to Cape Ann Animal Aid’s Safe Harbor Program, which enables us to transport animals from areas of the country where their lives are at risk.
Our shelter animal care team took extra time providing enrichment and socialization activities as well as an abundance of love and patience for Precioso. Our veterinary team managed routine medical care, including a shave to help with a matting issue, and kept a watchful eye on his eating and physical activities for signs of stress. He soon became a favorite among staff and other cats during socialization hours. However, due to his advanced age, we feared he could be waiting for some time before getting adopted. Precioso decided this would not be his fate.
An energetic hound is just what a family needed to slow down and focus on health. Lisa, a mother of three, dreamed of adopting a dog for her family but her busy family life on top of trying to finish two master's degrees would make that idea impossible to consider - until a breast cancer diagnosis put things into perspective.
Traveling is expensive but worth every penny.
Transporting animals by van, truck or air is an expensive and complicated operation. A typical transport of 20 dogs or 30 cats can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $3,500 and these life-saving journeys can take place 2 or 3 times a month. Each transport not only saves those animals on board but also helps our partners struggling in Southern communities by freeing up their resources; allowing them to work on expanding spay/neuter programs and other ways to address animal homelessness. We hope you will agree that these precious lives are worth every penny it costs to save them. Please donate and help us bring animals home to our Christopher Cutler Rich Animal Shelter, offering a first, second or third chance at a life of love. Thank you for being a friend to animals and Cape Ann Animal Aid. We appreciate you supporting the work that happens before and after we bring animals like Precioso and Freya safely to our shelter.
Cape ann animal aid
An opportunity for you to learn more about the mission and programs of Cape Ann Animal Aid. Sharing candid insights, guest columns, breaking news, and of course, adorable photos of shelter animals. Archives
September 2022